Thursday, April 12, 2012

Story of the Day 3/ 30/ 2012

I have been urging my son to come out of the closet.

Of course, it is my fault he is in the closet.
Everything is always my fault.
If you don't' understand what I mean, then you have never been the mother of teen-aged children, although, I am referring to my son, Ely, who stopped being a teenager a few years ago.

The closet is the one at work. Specifically, the broom closet.

You see, I called Ely at work.

Ely works in a small cubicle in the health department and personal phone calls are frowned upon.
I told Ely to juts say, "Yes, mom.' and "whatever you say, mother" loudly ,a few times, while on the phone with me, and everyone would just smile and think, "What a nice boy , he is talking to his mother !" and no one would mind this personal call.

Ely replied, "Not everyone who works here is a mother."
"I know, but I bet they all have mothers."

Ely was apparently not impressed with my logic, "I think I will stand in the closet."

A few minutes after our all ended, I got a text from my son.

"I don't' think I should feel bad about personal phone calls here. I came out of the closet and found my coworkers giving each other massages."


Lynne said...

I just spent 3 mos running out to the elevator lobby, saying, "Yes, Mom," to headhunters every time someone walked by. Now that I've given notice, I can talk at my desk.
Back in the very old days, the only phone was at the secretary's station. If you were lucky, your outgoing call went on a wide-area line & didn't cost anything. At the end of the month, they'd go around with a list of all the calls that had extra charges and you had to pay for yours. And if you were very lucky, the secretary didn't repeat everything you said to the entire office.

Cassia Margolis said...

Wow! They must have been sure your mom was having all sorts of emergencies!

The only time headhunter ever pursued me at work was when I worked at Maimonides medical center. Okay, he wasn't a headhunter, exactly, he was the owner of a billing company. he would come in occasionally and ask if I would come to work for him at higher rate of pay. he would do it right in front of the other workers, and give me a business card...... and it wasn't that i was so good , it was that I had replaced someone who was that bad, which made me look brilliant...... See, I was never as popular as you are!

And, the secretary would be a good reason to make up some juicy dialogue......