Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Story of teh Day 8/19/2008

When Sarah arrived at school, she set down her backpack .
Her backpack is black with blue trim, and weighs about 47 lbs.
Not empty.
For some reason the teachers at ISD send the kids home with homework from each and every class, and the weight of the backpack, thus laden, is immense.
So , she set the backpack, that was getting ready to rip at the seams, down and started pulling out her books and her homework.
And, tucked into the bottom of the backpack was a piece of paper, folded into quarters and written on in green magic marker.

Someone had put it there before she had loaded her books back into her pack- and she was curious…..

It read:”Dear Ponygirl,

Have a good semester!
Drive safe. I know that you
And Eliot will continue to
Grow more beautiful and wiser!

Love, Ponyboy!”

Of course, Sarah brought it home to show to me.

When Esther called, at about 5 PM, I read it to her.
She told me that when Sarah and I were packing to leave for our trip, she had snuck a note into our bags.
Aaron had spotted her and asked her what she was doing.
Esther explained that it was fun to get a note, when you went away on a trip.

Aaron had , earlier this morning, or maybe last night, mistaken Sarah’s black with blue trim backpack for Esther’s black with blue trim backpack. Esther’s has a patch and some Oriental script on it. Sarah’s is plain.
She forgot to tell him to make sure you put it in the right backpack.

We’ll mail it to her, tomorrow.

1 comment:

asil said...

that's very sweet.
yes, i'd agree they should change the nicknames...