Friday, November 14, 2008

Story of the Day 11/13/2008

I need to make an eye doctor appointment.
I realized that when I noticed that they had made the print on the medicine bottle too small to read.
I contemplated contacting the manufacturer, to let them know of their mistake, but I realized that large companies don’t like to deal with their errors, as evidenced by the American car manufacturer’s current fiscal crisis, and it would be simpler for me to just get glasses.


Anonymous said...

oh no! you're not getting old are you???

Cassia Margolis said...

i am, i am.....but as long as ur dad still thinks i am sexy...who cares?

Lynne said...

Oh, dear, she's done it again. Esther, sweetheart, you can comment on my blog & I promise not to talk to you about my sex life.

Cassia Margolis said...

lynnie- she lives with me and....i think, after that, she can survive anything u might put on ur blog!!!