Monday, May 16, 2011

Story of the Day 5/13/2011 #3

Kara came to visit.
Kara is a bonus niece.
She is Ely’s bestfriend. They met in middle school and immediately bonded.
Obviously, Kara is weird.
And Kara also bonded with us, so that she comes and visits, when she is in town, even if Ely isn’t. She likes us. Like I said, she is weird.

This afternoon, when she was here, she was describing the last time she flew . For some reason, airport security picked her for the full body scan.
Since Kara weighs about 85 lbs sopping wet and looks like an eager 12 year old who would love to help you wash the dishes, but just happens to be a little too tall to be 12, you have to wonder how they select the people they choose to scan. The only sort of threat that I can visualize Kara representing is that she might offer to bake cookies when I am on a diet.

At any rate, she told us that they had her stand on a pad and stand here and stand there , while some person in another room reviewed the scan and made sure no explosive devices were hidden in any of her body cavities.
When I interpreted what she was saying, Sarah exclaimed, “Eeeewww!” Which was exactly my thought about this.

Then Kara demonstrated the position she had to assume for the body scan. Her feet had to be exactly so far apart, and she had to stand up straight, and they even told her the exact way to put her hands over her head, and how the fingers needed to be aligned.

The picture above is Kara in the position they asked her to assume..

We have decided that the security personnel either know absolutely no sign language, or they know it, and this is the position they have women take. I can’t wait to see what they have men do.

Kara is signing, “vagina”.


Lynne said...

rolling on the floor, can't breathe

I looked at the pic before reading & was wondering why she signed that.

Now I wanna volunteer to get scanned. I will sign "dickhead" & make them correct me.

ritabellussi said...

You're a great writer Cassia! I love reading your blog and while I read it, I learn some more english, since I am Italian! So, thanks a lot for your little "corner of litterature", thanks for laughing and learning ...

ritabellussi said...

I introduce myself :)

Cassia Margolis said...

Hi RitaBellusi- Thank you for the compliments! You are very kind and I am impressed by your English.
Most Americans don't know a second language an have no idea what its involved in learning one. I do , and I am very impressed!
May I ask how you noticed the blog?
- Cassia

Rita Bellussi said...

Hi Cassia,
the reasons why I noticed your blog are ... first of all, I have a blog as well, besides, having a blog and loving languages I often look for some foreign blogs and, when I ran into yours I found it, "fresh", lovely, interesting and amusing.
A big hug from Milan, Italy.

Cassia Margolis said...

Where is your blog? I clicked on your identity/icon, and nothing came up.
If it is in Italian, forget it! The only language I can read in English. Poor Sarah, I have been struggling to help hr with her Hebrew review ( final exams are this coming week.) She is trying to skip a year, so she is taking two Hebrew finals, one for her class and one for the next year. Some of the vocabulary is unfamiliar, since she only started doing the paperwork for it, recently, and she keeps asking me for help, and the last time I spoke any Hebrew was 34 years sad!

Luckily, ASL doesn't' have a written form! Smile.

La Danza della Creatività said...

Discovering another language and with it, other sounds, another world, another culture .... opens you mind. You can breathe new fresh air and then go back to your culture, your world, your sounds with something new, not better, not worst, but different. Anyway, many thanks to Sarah who found my blog. I don't know why it doesn't appear the B of blog. I even have some problems with computers! So, studing Hebrew with Sarah sounds very interesting! Do it! It's really a pity you have not spoken it for so many years! Naughty girl! Listen to you mother :) (by the way, I read it and liked it)Study and speak Hebrew with your daughter.... this is the reason why I found your blog ... yo give you this piece of advice :) Big hug!