Friday, May 27, 2011

Story of the Day 5/26/2011

I have grey hair,
This is good; no, this is excellent, because by now I should have pulled it all out in frustration.

We are having fun and games, only none of it is fun and none of it is games that I want to be playing with Sarah’s school. And today was another one of the games.

Try not to feel excluded, this is one of a series of stories I have not yet written, but I probably will…when I can do it without pulling out my grey hair.

At any rate, although I have not yet written it up as a series of stories, I have complained about it to friends, face-to-face, on email, and on Face book.

I was complaining about it, today, to a friend who knows the parties involved, and also has worked in the Deaf community and has interpreted, and is ethical. Yes, there are some of those. Actually, there are plenty of those, and they aren’t even in hiding, although you might think so, from some of my stories. Although, this was not actually about an interpreter, it was about the head of special education at the high school.

This was the last part of our exchange:

holy crap how do you keep from not slapping someone at the school?

i keep reminding myself that i won’t like jail.
so far, that has worked...not sure for how much longer, though.

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