Sunday, May 8, 2011

Story of the Day 5/6/2011 #3

In English class, Sarah usually learns English or, at least, something related to English.

In English class, Lia and Dee learn ASL. They sit across from Sarah- there is a center area that is empty- well, unless the teacher is pacing there, and the girls sit in chairs that are on the other side of this open area and face Sarah.

On a regular basis, Lia asks Sarah the same question, “How do you say….” Of course, it really isn’t the same question, because the last word changes, but since the first four words are always the same, Sarah has gotten to be pretty darn good at speech reading them and usually has some idea what the next word is.

Lia said, “How do you say ‘I like’?”

So, Sarah signed the words, and she then held up her hand and spread out all five fingers and pointed to the middle one to show Lia, which one was used to make the sign for “like”.
And Lia held up her hand and displayed her middle finger and nodded her head, indicating “This one, right?”

Only Sarah got a strange look on her face, and burst out laughing; and then Lia took a look at what she was doing and realized that she was giving the finger, rather blatantly, to Sarah.

That was not part of the English, whoops, I meant ASL lesson.