Saturday, September 3, 2011

Story of the Day 8/24/2011 #2

Today, in music class, the teacher offered to provide Sarah with copies of the song lyrics. Perhaps even having them projected in real-time, although, since the speech to text system isn’t working very well, that could be dangerous.

Sarah was a bit surprised. You see, she hadn’t signed up for a music class.

It turns out that she is in one, or, at least, in a musical one. Apparently, the physics teacher plays music in the background during class.

She assured him that he needed give her the lyrics or have them provided in real-time, since it will not affect her grade or what she does or doesn’t learn with regard to physics.

She didn’t tell him that, if he hadn’t mentioned this, she could have sat in class, all year, and never known there was any music in the background.

I wish her teachers would be so accommodating for the things she really does need to access the classroom information.

The theme for the Stories of the Day, today, seems to be related to music and lyrics.
Since the two children currently at home are both deaf, and each of them has provided me with one, it definitely is alluding to their being some mysterious musical karma surrounding today.


Lynne said...

It's clearly a sign they should start piano lessons again. Or that they shouldn't. Either way, it's a clear sign. ;)

Cassia Margolis said...

just wait, there is a REALLY weird music story coming up.......
and it is as clear of a sign as ......mud

Cassia Margolis said...

of course, after I have a few drinks, I am sure it will be even clearer!

Anonymous said...

Actually, my friends taught me how to play the piano one month ago. A total of one lesson so far. So you're probably right. :P