Thursday, September 8, 2011

Story of the Day 9/2/2011 #4

Sarah has two language classes, at the high school. She has her unofficial ASL class, in the hallway during lunch period, and she has Hebrew class…oh yes, and she also has her other foreign language class, English.

The first two of these language classes seemed to be connected.

Today, her Hebrew teacher asked her if she was familiar with a song. He gave her the title. She had never heard of it. He was sure she was wrong.

“But you must be familiar with this song!”
“I don’t really listen to any music.”

“But you must know this song!” He argued that she’d had a Bat Mitzvah, and she had been to other Bar and Bat Mitzvah and certainly it had been played at them!

“No, sorry,” Sarah explained, “I have no idea what they played at the other Bar and Bat Mitzvah parties, because I never heard what they played.”

Again, he insisted that she must know this song.
Again, she said, “I don’t’ really listen to music.”
Listen to music? She f***ing can’t hear any music.

The teacher still didn’t get it. He asked her if she knew who Bob Dylan was.
She did.
“Well,” the teacher explained, “He was Jewish and he sang it.” And the teacher played a video of Bob Dylan (from Youtube) singing the song. And then he played one of Danny Kaye, signing the song.
The teacher apologized to Sarah, there were no captions, and did she want a power point display of the words?


Oddly, not seeing the words captioned on it in no way lessened her enjoyment of listening to the music.
Which she couldn’t’ hear.

Like I said, this and her ASL class seem to be connected. At least, today.

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