Sunday, September 4, 2011

Story of the Day 8/26/2011 #2

Apparently, there are several people at North Central High School who think that Sarah can talk

Sarah is often treated to people who believe she can speech read what they are saying, and sometimes she can, but I promise you that she cannot talk. At least, not with her voice.

This evening, Sarah asked me why people think she can. She demonstrated how, when they ask her questions, she mouths what the words are. She can do that, she can move her lips and face around to mimic what the Hearing people do to communicate; she just can’t do the sound part of it.

I thought a moment.
I asked, “Sarah, is this happening in the cafeteria?”
Sarah was astounded at my deductive skills. She said I should get a Sherlock Holmes badge.
I will have to see which cereal box has them.
Okay, I am joking about the badge.
But she was amazed.

I explained, “It is loud in the cafeteria. It is so loud that the Hearing people would not be able to hear your voice if you were actually using it. Well, at least, not unless you were screaming. So, they think you are using it, and, like everything else, they just can’t hear it above the din.”

Of course, for Sarah, the cafeteria is totally quiet.

Sarah is enjoying the fact that she can keep them fooled, at least until they run into her outside of lunchtime.

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