Sunday, September 18, 2011

Story of the Day 9/ 14/ 2011

My son came home rather late, late enough that it is questionably still the 14th.

He was out at Morty’s- a comedy bar in Carmel, Indiana doing a standup gig.
He came home and told me that he was glad he has stopped telling sexually explicit jokes.

Okay, he didn’t call them “sexually explicit”, he called them dirty.

Because that is what all the other comedians were telling.
His telling “clean” jokes made him stand out from the crowd.

Of course, there is a limit to how many knock-knock jokes the audience wanted to hear.
That and his series of puns….really bad puns.
Okay, they were not knock-knock jokes.
But there were some puns.

He also told me that he struggles with following polite etiquette procedures with other comedians.

This is because it is very hard to congratulate them and shake hands when they have just finished telling a series of masturbation jokes.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Stephen Lynch is a comedian who writes his own music & lyrics. In his song about masturbation (his father catches him), one line is "I really understand if you never wanna hug again or even shake my hand." BWAAAHAAAHAAA!